The Federation Council proposed to remove restrictions on the delivery of goods to Asia through the Arctic

The Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy proposes that Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, under the sanctions imposed against Russia, lift logistical restrictions on the delivery of goods to Southeast Asia through the Northern Sea Route (NSR), follows from a letter signed by the head of the Federation Council committee Andrei Kutepov.

 “In order to further work on the implementation of the plan of priority actions to ensure the development of the Russian economy in the face of external sanctions pressure, we are sending the results of monitoring the situation in the sphere of transport (based on the results of responses from 54 regions). Among the general proposals of the regions in this area are the development of a state program for the development of the infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route, including the construction of the deep-water area of ​​the Arkhangelsk Sea Port, in order to accelerate the development of the Northern Sea Route, as well as the removal of logistical restrictions on the delivery of goods to Southeast Asia. , - TASS transmits the text of the document.

Kutepov also proposes to develop a state program to support the development of ship repair in order to create conditions for the repair of ships in the Arctic zone. According to Kutepov, at the moment, with respect to maritime transport, there is an increase in transit times by 15 calendar days. As Kutepov noted, it is necessary to maximize traffic along the Northern Sea Route, as well as provide tariff preferences so that private Russian logistics companies act as customers and cargo consolidators for Southeast Asia.

In February, the Arktika icebreaker began the first piloting of a convoy of vessels along the Northern Sea Route.

Let us recall that in October 2021, President Vladimir Putin gave the government and Rosatom to work out the issue of organizing regular transit freight traffic along the Northern Sea Route between Europe and East Asia, to which it is planned to actively attract foreign business. It was supposed to multiply the cargo traffic along the entire length of 10.5 thousand kilometers of the Arctic route. Three icebreakers of the LK-120YA Leader project will be built in accordance with the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone until 2035 approved by the President of Russia.


Source: Business newspaper VIEW