A single design code was developed for the improvement of settlements in the Arctic

It is planned to design the urban space and solve the problems of improvement with its help

The Information and Analytical Center of the State Commission for the Development of the Arctic has developed a design code for Arctic settlements. It is planned to decorate the urban space and solve the problems of improvement of the Arctic regions with its help, Deputy Director for Regional Development of the Information and Analytical Center of the State Commission for the Development of the Arctic Maxim Dankin told TASS on Monday.

The design code is a set of standards and rules that govern the appearance of the urban environment in the Arctic. According to Dankin, the existing documents on the development and improvement of the environment in Russia do not take into account the specifics of the North and the Arctic - extremely low temperatures, polar night and day, blizzards and fogs. The developers decided to fix this and included elements of the Arctic and northern territories in the design code - catching screens, ventilation windows, side boxes placed on the windows for food storage. The document also provides recommendations on the design of signs on various types of buildings, their size.

="Special attention is paid to the issues of lighting, navigation, buildings color, taking into account the natural and climatic characteristics of the North. The design code contains requirements and recommendations for working with the visual environment of the Arctic and northern settlements, which can be supplemented by each municipality, based on regional characteristics and needs. It allows one to identify and analyze the existing problems of the urban environment, and then propose ways to solve them. Creating a code can serve as a start for establishing a unified approach with the possibility of its further inclusion in the structure of the improvement rules, " Dankin said.

He clarified that the problem of visual pollution of the urban environment is relevant for all Arctic territories: the territories have too much advertising, the facades are finished with low-quality materials, and the existing navigation is inefficient.

"The document contains a detailed description of all stages - from the initiative to the implementation and realization of the design code in the Arctic settlements, as well as a step-by-step plan for the administrations of the settlements," the source said.

The document was developed in cooperation with the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.


Source: TASS